The logo for scroggins family medicine has a heart and two people in it.

Hormone imbalance and deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms and chronic disease. 

Middle age women often struggle with a loss of progesterone before losing as much estrogen leading to a hormonal imbalance known as estrogen dominance which is associated with weight gain/difficulty losing weight, increased anxiety/worry, decreased sleep quality, diminished sex drive. Lifestyle changes as well as supplements can help with hormone balance in addition to the option of physiologic luteal phase dosing of bioidentical progesterone to help create optimal hormonal balance.

Estrogen deficiency can contribute to thinning of bones(osteoporosis), decreased sexual health/function, increased cardiovascular risks, decreased energy, increased joint pain. Bioidentical hormones are identical in chemical structure to hormones produced by the ovary and are available in different routes of administration and dosing protocols. Developing a customized approach for each individual patient is offered at Scroggins Family Medicine. Female hormones follow a typical pattern in young, healthy women and this balance of hormones can be recreated and achieved with physiologic dosing protocols monitored with proper labs based on route of hormone administration

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